Monday, February 2, 2009

Come out, come out wherever you are...

Actually, I know exactly where she is. Squarely in my midsection constantly pushing on my ribs, my xyphoid process, and my cervix and ocassionally kicking hard for good measure. The official due date is tomorrow. I'm trying not to put to much emphasis on any particular day, but if she could come NOW, that would be great. And I think we're "ready," so that's a plus. We've

--installed the car seat in the van (after a panicky evening when I was having crampy pains and Alex realized he hadn't even looked at it yet--he seriously picked up the manual and started panicking "What do these pictures mean?! Why did they cross this out?! Oh my god this is impossible to understand!" After five minutes of panicking it took him two minutes to actually install the thing.)

--redecorated the living room (I don't know how that's relevant to the baby, but my instincts told me "Get pretty curtains! Buy a new lamp! Put up pictures!")

--cleaned the house thoroughly (of course, I did this two weeks ago, so the house is already covered in hair and dirt again, but at least I got rid of the Jack blood spattering the walls)

--pre-washed the cloth diapers 3 times to enhance their natural absorbency, pre-washed about a million 0-3 month old clothes in hypo-allergenic detergent in case she has sensitive skin, and pre-washed all the guest towels, blankets, and sheets for any visitors.

--read and re-read all the signs and symptoms of labor, just hoping that one of them is "Excessive grumpiness that your baby has not been born yet"

--Started knitting a baby blanket (surely, like most other events in life, they are more likely to happen when you're in the middle of preparing for them rather than finished preparing?)

So, I say, come out, come out!


Lindsey said...

Oh Suz, I laughed until I cried. I feel really bad for you, I would tell you to keep hiking up and down a hill but that never really did much for me. Sounds like you guys really are ready so just hang in there!! I can't wait to hear about the birth...not that you should feel rushed...

Bonnie said...

..or at least come out by the time grandma gets there! Eggplant? Spicy food? Worth a try?

Rebekii said...

Oh Sus, that sounds sooo familiar! Keep your chin up, but when it IS time to push, keep it down!!! :)

Liv said...

This message is from Vince and Felicia--I am posting on their behalf:
Was she born with that hat on? Cute. Atsa niza bambina - bewtifa f'shoe.

A big congrats to the "Messlers", hugs and all that.

Now get back to work!!

Vince & Felicia

Wise Woman said...

I really enjoyed hearing all the "gory details". Having never been through it that intensely, I really had all of the labor pains with you! But what a reward! I have watched for more pictures, but I know you are busy with Grandma and Grandpa Mettlor there. She may have been smiling, but Grandma Ropthgeb always got my new babies to smile their first intelligent smile by holding them (you) on her knees with the head on her hands and just looking intently in their eyes and talking softly but personally to them. The babies would look as if they would cry and then, oh joy! a beautiful smile that just said, "I love you". It is a remarkable experience. At about 3 weeks. Of course, I know Abby is different but that was always our experience. I love the experience of her treatment of diaper rash. What a cute, fat, bum. You can't imagine how I long to hold her!