Friday, July 10, 2009


A while ago when Barb and Mel came for a visit Barb brought some gifts for Abby. One was a Pack'n'Play and the other was an ExerSaucer. I have to admit, I appreciated the thought, but at first glimpse was less than excited about the ExerSaucer (sorry Barb!). It is bright orange and lime green and has every other color in the rainbow smashed somewhere on it. To say the least it is garish. It has little gadgets all over it, most of which take batteries and make lots of noise. It even has a fake cell phone! It just didn't really seem like my style of toy.


Abby is a rambunctious little baby. When she's awake, I have to constantly be doing something--lifting her up so she can stand, holding my arms out to prevent her from falling when she sits, fetching toys as she chucks them across the room, etc. etc. The other day I got tired of being the entertainer extraordinaire and went and got the ExerSaucer. Boy was that worth it. Garish or not, you can't argue with smiles like these. So THANK YOU Barb!

Charlie even got in on the fun!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Can't argue with smiles like those. How funny! Looks like Grandma knows her little grandbabygirl.