The Mettler's have become familiar with my penchant for doing puzzles over the holidays. Now, instead of looking strangely at me when I say "Let's do a puzzle!" they encourage me by buying me puzzles. This year, Beth made a trip to The Puzzle Store in the Mall and tried to pick a really challenging puzzle. Thankfully she decided against getting The White Album by the Beatles. But her next choice wasn't all that much easier. It was a black and white photomosaic portrait of Marilyn Monroe. Holy cow was it hard. It took about 5 days to finish (during which time Ella managed to get 3 puzzle pieces--they're like gum for her, she chews them up into soggy wads of cardboard and then spits them out). I can't wait to see what next year brings...
We do puzzles during the holidays too, comes from the paternal side in my case.
Once the puzzle pieces are dumped on the table an important rule takes precedence to almost all other rules: you can not leave until the puzzle is done. This could make for a long night depending on how much help everyone give and how many women in the family are baby bound (nursing) because they can only give sporadic help.
The puzzles must be 1000 pieces or more. Usually they come from DI so there is no guarantee that all the pieces are present (kind of like your dog handicap). I think we drive the in-laws CRAZY. But luckily we only do puzzles at Thanksgiving, Christmas and one unplanned time during the year when one sibling is wishing to punish the rest of us.
We do puzzles during the holidays too, comes from the paternal side in my case.
Once the puzzle pieces are dumped on the table an important rule takes precedence to almost all other rules: you can not leave until the puzzle is done. This could make for a long night depending on how much help everyone give and how many women in the family are baby bound (nursing) because they can only give sporadic help.
The puzzles must be 1000 pieces or more. Usually they come from DI so there is no guarantee that all the pieces are present (kind of like your dog handicap). I think we drive the in-laws CRAZY. But luckily we only do puzzles at Thanksgiving, Christmas and one unplanned time during the year when one sibling is wishing to punish the rest of us.
Aw. Looks like fun! Wish I were there...
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