Monday, September 9, 2013

Quintessential Summer


Lawn mowing

Frog catching


Friday, July 19, 2013


I practiced with my macro lens tonight. Abby and James helped me find bugs. And then they helped me scare them away : )




Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bear Mountain

Well, we did it. We hiked the highest peak in CT, a whopping 2,323 feet (not to be confused with the highest point in CT which is on the way up to a peak that resides in MA). It was a bleak and dreary day, and sadly, we didn't really get to revel in the supposedly amazing views. But I have to say that this time around, the views took second fiddle to the company.

(Given the absolutely flat and boring light, I decided these pictures were perfectly suited to be black and white.)

Yes, that little dog hiked the whole way.

Snacking at the top.

Wow, check out that view!

Despite the lackluster views, I do have to admit the trail was pretty darn fun. A) We hiked on part of the Appalachian Trail. It's just one of those things I like to be able to say I did. B) We had to do some scrambling to get to the top. Oh how I miss scrambling! C) Abby and James were amazing. The hike was 6 miles long*, and not easy. Abby hiked at least half of it, and managed to maintain a positive attitude most of the time. James napped some and the rest of the time he hummed a little tune of encouragement to Alex. At one point, during the scramble when it was pouring rain, Abby said to me in a triumphant voice: "I'm going to be like James and just deal. It's no problem." I love her.

James--just dealing.

If you come visit us, maybe we'll go back. Maybe we'll actually see the view.

*So, we may have hiked a tad more than 6 miles, due to some unfortunate backtracking that may or may not have been my fault.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lazy Bum

I'm a lazy bum. That's why I haven't posted anything in forever. Here are some random pictures to make me feel less lazy.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Did you hear?

Beth got married!! Congratulations to the MacMettlers. I can't wait for them to start a blog together.

(Yes, it was more than a month ago. What of it?)

Let me start by saying, not in an obligatory sister-in-law sort of way but sincerely, that it was a beautiful ceremony, the reception was ridiculously fun, the bride was fantastically gorgeous, and the groom was a handsome devil. I'll let you be the judge of the last two, but you'll just have to trust me on the first two counts.

This is just a cute picture. Not really wedding related.

Moving on. Here we have the bridal party getting mani-pedis. (If you're salon illiterate, like I used to be, that's short for manicure and pedicure. Be warned. Pedicures tickle.)

Abby and James, ready for the rehearsal. (Incidentally, Abby wanted to wear that dress to the park the other day. I said no.) 

At the rehearsal.

The rehearsal dinner, at the Mettler house.

Getting our hair done.

"How shall we do Meghan's hair?"

Don't you think mine's the best?

The bride got her hair done at the hotel by a REAL expert.

Uh oh. Dan can't find his belt!

The flower girl gets her shoes buckled.

The Dress is Readied.

Tie 'er up!

Ready to go!

Isn't it every girl's dream to be the focus of attention of a group of handsome well-dressed men? Or maybe they're looking at Alex...

Beautiful ladies all.

Now, take a moment to imagine a wedding ceremony.


Nice, wasn't it? I was in it, so I didn't get any photos. James was in it too, since that's the only way we could keep him from screaming. He was eating graham crackers and crumbling them down the front of my dress. Did I mention they were in a plastic bag? The kind that crinkles REALLY loudly when touched? Yep. But no one noticed. They were too focused on the main show.

 Alright, enough of the bride. I did get ONE shot of the groom.


A few family shots.

"The kids are in bed! I look ridiculous! Let's party!"

Surprise karaoke to end the evening. What a great wedding.